Football season is in full swing
Fall, the season of crunchy leaves, cool breezes, and football. Yes, the season to huddle in the bleachers or around the coffee table, cheering on your favorite players. This year do something special for your fellow-football-fans with a fun party! Here are some ideas to pumpkin-spice it up:
- Organize a neighborhood tailgate! Not everybody wants to line up outside of the stadium, so bring it to the cul-de-sac with an old-fashioned block party. Rent a projection screen for a really memorable touch! Not only could this turn into a tradition, it creates a bonding opportunity in the neighborhood—not to mention less clean-up for you!
- Bring on the themes! Send out invitations beforehand with the teams for your chosen night or create a drink station with team logos and colors. You could also set up mixed drinks or punch in Gatorade coolers. Fun touches like a snack table decorated as a field with yellow napkins as penalty flags are special too! Anything to set the scene and cheer on your teams.
- Have a few activities to get your guests in the competitive spirit. This can be physical, like a friendly game of touch football in the backyard. Or, go for a scavenger hunt vibe by playing football bingo, marking your card off when certain things happen in the game.
- Festive snacks are sure to put a smile on any fan’s face. Stick with the classics like wings and pizza. After snacking, have some fun desserts set up! Football strawberries are too cute and easy to make. Simply dip in chocolate and pipe on some stitching. You can also send your guests home with their own “Super Bowl Rings” by putting out a bowl of ring pops!
Break out your jersey and get creative, you’ll be sure to win over even the toughest of fans.
– By Olivia Dimatteo, a blog contributor for Garden City Realty
Posted on 11/13/2019 in Uncategorized