Bring the Beach into Your 2020 Resolution
Each January first, we like to imagine all of the ways we will be different in the next 365 days. Our resolutions include how we will eat better, work harder, change our mindsets. Sometimes along the way, we lose sight of the amazing things we hope to do and fall back into the patterns of life. So, this year, let’s talk about how to set realistic and achievable goals that we can incorporate it into a lifestyle.
First, consider the process to get to your goal. When you are setting your resolutions for the year, think about the ways in which you will reach what you’re aiming for. For example, if your resolution is to lose weight, write out the things that will be necessary for accomplishing your goal: going to the gym, meal prepping, cutting out sugars. Whatever it is, consider the hard parts realistically in reference to the actual outcome.
By breaking each part down, you now have more true-to-life and achievable milestones. Because waiting to see progress is the hard part, you can make it more rewarding by setting smaller checkboxes to accomplish and build on. Setting yourself up for success is one of the best ways to encourage your mind and body to keep working towards your goals. For example, establish a goal weight of just five pounds at first. Once you lose the first five, set another five. Now, you’re at ten pounds lost, but you have accomplished two separate goals.
As you continue on your journey, always keep your aims in sight, and figure out various ways to incorporate them in your day-to-day. Get crafty and make a collage of your ambitions or give yourself a reward system for each accomplishment. Friends that keep you accountable are always a bonus. Bring them into your plans, too! A fun idea could be planning a no-carb Keto brunch with your closest pals. Including your resolutions in your life in meaningful ways makes them all the easier to implement.
– By Olivia Dimatteo, blog contributor for Garden City Realty
Whether you live in Garden City or you are just in town to vacation, you can work toward your goals by incorporating the things you love, like the beach! If you are looking to be more active consider taking a walk on the beach and searching for shark teeth while enjoying the sound of the ocean. Visually set a marker on how far you would like to walk before turning around. Maybe your resolution is to spend more time with your family, consider spending the day enjoying one of the several activities the Myrtle Beach area has to offer. No matter what your resolution is, take a moment and think about how you can make goal setting fun for everyone!
– By Olivia Dimatteo, blog contributor for Garden City Realty
Whether you live in Garden City or you are just in town to vacation, you can work toward your goals by incorporating the things you love, like the beach! If you are looking to be more active consider taking a walk on the beach and searching for shark teeth while enjoying the sound of the ocean. Visually set a marker on how far you would like to walk before turning around. Maybe your resolution is to spend more time with your family, consider spending the day enjoying one of the several activities the Myrtle Beach area has to offer. No matter what your resolution is, take a moment and think about how you can make goal setting fun for everyone!
Posted on 01/15/2020 in Uncategorized