Why the beach is good for your soul II
There’s something special about the way the ocean soothes you: the sounds, the smells, the sunshine… No, really, it’s science! If the waves are calling you and you’re looking for an excuse to meet the shore this weekend, here it is. First of all, the beach is good for your body. Just walking along the white sands can be a good workout as it requires extra energy. When your body is feeling good, so can your mind. Beach visits also mean a lot of time in the sun. Soaking up that Vitamin D will keep your bones strong and your blood pressure low— keeping a smile on your face long after you head home. Additionally, all of that sand and salt make for great exfoliators so skip the spa and take a dip instead.
Research also shows that the “blue space” of oceans and vast skies has a positive effect on people, including feeling more tranquil with lower levels of stress. A day by the water also means unwinding for a few hours. Unplugging from electronics and spending time with our loved ones is always good for our mental health, not to mention it can increase our serotonin, a feel-good chemical in our brain.
So, take a moment. Feel the cool, coastal breeze blow through your hair. Take in the sounds of the waves crashing and sink your toes into the hot sand. Watch the gulls dip into the waves. Crack open a book and escape into their world. Let the stress of your day-to-day get carried out with the tide. Lastly, smile because you call this wonderful place home.
– By Olivia Dimatteo, a blog contributor for Garden City Realty
Posted on 05/28/2019 in Uncategorized