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An Ode to Fall at the Beach

I know many people, when they think of vacationing at the beach, they think of Summer. Obviously this is the go to time of year when families vacation. It’s hot, that’s when everyone else comes, the kids are out of school. But I’m here to tell you, as someone who had lived at the beach my whole life, the absolute best time to come is Fall, hands down. In late September and early October, it’s warm enough to still get sun, the ocean is brisk but not cold, the rates are lower, there is NO traffic, and there are tons of great opportunities for discounts. This time of year, we locals breathe a sigh of relief that the temperature is no longer hovering around a scorching 110 with humidity. Plus, this is the best time for boat rides and of course, oyster roasts! As soon as the there is a hint of coolness to the air, we natives get restless and oyster roasts are on everyone’s minds. All we can think about is sitting on the porch, enjoying the lovely weather and watching the sunset (or football, of course!)

So come down for the weekend and see what the beach has to offer for the Fall! You’ll have the place to yourself and who wouldn’t want that? And this time of year we offer 2-3 night mini vacations, so come on down with friends or family for a weekend getaway! See you soon!

Posted on 09/21/2011 in Uncategorized