Garden City Realty’s Guide to Bringing Fido to the South Strand

For many of us, pets are part of our daily lives, so it’s only natural to bring along our four-legged family members on family vacations. According to a survey by the American Pet Products Association, the number of pet owners who bring their animals with them when they travel is up nearly 20 percent in the last decade. As we… Read More “Garden City Realty’s Guide to Bringing Fido to the South Strand”

Top Reasons to Visit Garden City Beach in 2021

If Garden City Beach, SC isn’t already your go-to vacation destination, you will want to take the time to visit the family-friendly town full of activities, restaurants, and most importantly, miles of beaches. Located within driving distance to the well-known Myrtle Beach, SC, Garden City Beach offers a more intimate beach setting to enjoy with the family while allowing for… Read More “Top Reasons to Visit Garden City Beach in 2021”

3 Questions to Ask Yourself when Updating Your Vacation Rental

3 Questions to ask yourself when updating your vacation rental.
1. What are the reviews saying? It is important to keep an eye on what others are saying about your rental property, even if they note minor inconveniences you feel won’t make or break bookings. It is likely that if a guest mentions something in a review, other guests have taken notice to it as well. By staying in-tune with… Read More “3 Questions to Ask Yourself when Updating Your Vacation Rental”